Congrats to Katie Foley!

The Psychology Department at the University of Wisconsin – Madison honored Katie Foley with the 2017 Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award for her work in our lab. Congratulations Katie, we are so excited for you!

Welcome Chris Racey!

Chris RaceyThe Schloss Visual Perception and Cognition Lab welcomes our new Postdoc, Chris Racey! Prior to arriving at UW-Madison, Chris was a Post-doctoral Research Fellow working with Prof. Anna Franklin in the Sussex Colour Group (University of Sussex). Chris’s research focuses on color cognition and the neural representation of color. He investigates various aspects of color processing, including color preference, color naming, and low level visual representations, using behavioral, psychophysical and neuroimaging methods.


New publication: Colorgorical: Creating discriminable and preferable color palettes for information visualization

PrintColorgorical is a new, interactive tool that generates color palettes for data visualization. Designed and validated using empirical data, Colorgorical creates palettes that allow users to balance aesthetics and discriminability.

Connor Gramazio presented Colorgorical at IEEE Vis 2016. Our paper describing Colorgorical can be found here and the implementation can be found on GitHub located here.

REFERENCE: Gramazio, C. C., Laidlaw, D. H., and Schloss, K. B. (2017). Colorgorical: Creating discriminable and preferable color palettes for information visualization, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.